Text Classification with BERT

18 minute read

Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification with TensorFlow

Figure 1: BERT Classification Model

We will be using GPU accelerated Kernel for this tutorial as we would require a GPU to fine-tune BERT.


  • Willingness to learn: Growth Mindset is all you need
  • Some basic idea about Tensorflow/Keras
  • Some Python to follow along with the code

Initial Set Up

Install TensorFlow and TensorFlow Model Garden

import tensorflow as tf

Cloning the Github Repo for tensorflow models

  • –depth 1, during cloning, Git will only get the latest copy of the relevant files. It can save you a lot of space and time.

  • -b lets us clone a specific branch only.

Please match it with your tensorflow 2.x version.

!git clone --depth 1 -b v2.4.0 https://github.com/tensorflow/models.git
# install requirements to use tensorflow/models repository
!pip install -Uqr models/official/requirements.txt
# you may have to restart the runtime afterwards. Also, ignore any ERRORS popping up at this step

Note: After installing the required Python packages, you’ll need to restart the Colab Runtime Engine (Run —> Restart and clear all cell outputs…)


Some Initial Imports and Checks

A Healthy practice for any ML practitioner is to do a clean experiment tracking so that the results are reproducible and trackable. For this kernel we will be looking into Weights and Biases for experiment tracking.

Here are four main things that W&B offers:

  • Experiment Tracking: Tracking ML Experiments and logging various parameters and metrics on a clean dashboard.
  • Sweeps: Hyper-parameter tuning. You can run multiple experiments with different hyper-parameters and track them.
  • Artifacts: Storing Datasets, models and, other files for version tracking.
  • Reports: we can create reports on experiments and project levels.

We will be looking into, Experiment Tracking and Artifacts

!pip install --upgrade -q wandb

Logging into wandb.

First things first, we need to create a free account on W&B

Then let us access our authorization API key and add it to kaggle’s secret key for hassle-free authentication.

More details about Kaggle’s Secret key feature on —> https://www.kaggle.com/product-feedback/114053

from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient
user_secrets = UserSecretsClient()
wandb_api = user_secrets.get_secret("wandb-api")

import wandb
from wandb.keras import WandbCallback

wandb: W&B API key is configured (use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin)
wandb: WARNING If you're specifying your api key in code, ensure this code is not shared publically.
wandb: WARNING Consider setting the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable, or running `wandb login` from the command line.
wandb: Appending key for api.wandb.ai to your netrc file: /root/.netrc

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import sys
from official.nlp.data import classifier_data_lib
from official.nlp.bert import tokenization
from official.nlp import optimization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
print("TF Version: ", tf.__version__)
print("Eager mode: ", tf.executing_eagerly())
print("Hub version: ", hub.__version__)
print("GPU is", "available" if tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices("GPU") else "NOT AVAILABLE")
TF Version:  2.4.1
Eager mode:  True
Hub version:  0.12.0
GPU is available

Lets Get the Dataset

# import numpy as np
# import pandas as pd
# from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# df = pd.read_csv('https://archive.org/download/quora_dataset_train.csv/quora_dataset_train.csv.zip', 
#                  compression='zip',
#                  low_memory=False)
# print(df.shape)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

df = pd.read_csv('../input/quora-insincere-questions-classification/train.csv')
(1306122, 3)
# label 0 == non toxic
# label 1 == toxic 
qid question_text target
0 00002165364db923c7e6 How did Quebec nationalists see their province... 0
1 000032939017120e6e44 Do you have an adopted dog, how would you enco... 0
2 0000412ca6e4628ce2cf Why does velocity affect time? Does velocity a... 0
3 000042bf85aa498cd78e How did Otto von Guericke used the Magdeburg h... 0
4 0000455dfa3e01eae3af Can I convert montra helicon D to a mountain b... 0
5 00004f9a462a357c33be Is Gaza slowly becoming Auschwitz, Dachau or T... 0
6 00005059a06ee19e11ad Why does Quora automatically ban conservative ... 0
7 0000559f875832745e2e Is it crazy if I wash or wipe my groceries off... 0
8 00005bd3426b2d0c8305 Is there such a thing as dressing moderately, ... 0
9 00006e6928c5df60eacb Is it just me or have you ever been in this ph... 0

Get to Know your data: Some Basic EDA

plt.title('Distribution of Labels')
0    1225312
1      80810
Name: target, dtype: int64

Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Labels')


print('Average word length of questions in dataset is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.mean(df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())))))
print('Max word length of questions in dataset is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.max(df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())))))
print('Average character length of questions in dataset is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.mean(df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x)))))
Average word length of questions in dataset is 13.
Max word length of questions in dataset is 134.
Average character length of questions in dataset is 71.
# Since the dataset is very imbalanced we will keep the same distribution in both train and test set by stratifying it based on the labels
# using small portions of the data as the over all dataset would take ages to train, feel free to include more data by changing train_size 
train_df, remaining = train_test_split(df, random_state=42, train_size=0.1, stratify=df.target.values)
valid_df, _ = train_test_split(remaining, random_state=42, train_size=0.01, stratify=remaining.target.values)
(130612, 3)
(11755, 3)
print("FOR TRAIN SET\n")
print('Average word length of questions in train set is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.mean(train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())))))
print('Max word length of questions in train set is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.max(train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())))))
print('Average character length of questions in train set is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.mean(train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x)))))
print('Label Distribution in train set is \n{}.'.format(train_df['target'].value_counts()))
print("\n\nFOR VALIDATION SET\n")
print('Average word length of questions in valid set is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.mean(valid_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())))))
print('Max word length of questions in valid set is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.max(valid_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())))))
print('Average character length of questions in valid set is {0:.0f}.'.format(np.mean(valid_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x)))))
print('Label Distribution in validation set is \n{}.'.format(valid_df['target'].value_counts()))

Average word length of questions in train set is 13.
Max word length of questions in train set is 59.
Average character length of questions in train set is 71.
Label Distribution in train set is 
0    122531
1      8081
Name: target, dtype: int64.


Average word length of questions in valid set is 13.
Max word length of questions in valid set is 53.
Average character length of questions in valid set is 70.
Label Distribution in validation set is 
0    11028
1      727
Name: target, dtype: int64.

So it looks like the train and validation set are similar in terms of class imbalance and the various lengths in the question texts.

train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())).plot(kind='hist');
plt.title('Distribution of question text length in words')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of question text length in words')


valid_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split())).plot(kind='hist');
plt.title('Distribution of question text length in words')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of question text length in words')


train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x)).plot(kind='hist');
plt.title('Distribution of question text length in characters')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of question text length in characters')


valid_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: len(x)).plot(kind='hist');
plt.title('Distribution of question text length in characters')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of question text length in characters')


Even the distribution of question length in words and characters is very similar. It looks like a good train test split so far.

Taming the Data

# we want the dataset to be created and processed on the cpu 
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    train_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((train_df['question_text'].values, train_df['target'].values))
    valid_data = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((valid_df['question_text'].values, valid_df['target'].values))
    # lets look at 3 samples from train set
    for text,label in train_data.take(3):

tf.Tensor(b'If we trade in hourly timefram how we can predict what happen in 15 minutes timefram?', shape=(), dtype=string)
tf.Tensor(0, shape=(), dtype=int64)
tf.Tensor(b'Is there any testing or coaching that helps people decide their college major to begin their career?', shape=(), dtype=string)
tf.Tensor(0, shape=(), dtype=int64)
tf.Tensor(b'What is Norton 360 useful for?', shape=(), dtype=string)
tf.Tensor(0, shape=(), dtype=int64)

Lets BERT: Get the Pre-trained BERT Model from TensorFlow Hub

We will be using the uncased BERT present in the tfhub. In order to prepare the text to be given to the BERT layer, we need to first tokenize our words. The tokenizer here is present as a model asset and will do uncasing for us as well.

Setting all parameters in form of a dictionary so any changes, if needed, can be made here

# Setting some parameters

config = {'label_list' : [0, 1], # Label categories
          'max_seq_length' : 128, # maximum length of (token) input sequences
          'train_batch_size' : 32,
          'learning_rate': 2e-5,
          'optimizer': 'adam',
          'dropout': 0.5,
          'train_samples': len(train_data),
          'valid_samples': len(valid_data),
          'valid_split': 0.01
# Get BERT layer and tokenizer:
# All details here: https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/bert_en_uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/2

bert_layer = hub.KerasLayer('https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/bert_en_uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/2',
vocab_file = bert_layer.resolved_object.vocab_file.asset_path.numpy()
do_lower_case = bert_layer.resolved_object.do_lower_case.numpy() # checks if the bert layer we are using is uncased or not
tokenizer = tokenization.FullTokenizer(vocab_file, do_lower_case)

Checking out some of the training samples and their tokenized ids

input_string = "hello world, it is a wonderful day for learning"
['hello', 'world', '##,', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'wonderful', 'day', 'for', 'learning']
[7592, 2088, 29623, 2009, 2003, 1037, 6919, 2154, 2005, 4083]

Lets Get That Data Ready: Tokenize and Preprocess Text for BERT

Each line of the dataset is composed of the review text and its label. Data preprocessing consists of transforming text to BERT input features: input_word_ids, input_mask, segment_ids/input_type_ids

  • Input Word Ids: Output of our tokenizer, converting each sentence into a set of token ids.

  • Input Masks: Since we are padding all the sequences to 128(max sequence length), it is important that we create some sort of mask to make sure those paddings do not interfere with the actual text tokens. Therefore we need a generate input mask blocking the paddings. The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real tokens are attended to.

  • Segment Ids: For out task of text classification, since there is only one sequence, the segment_ids/input_type_ids is essentially just a vector of 0s.

Bert was trained on two tasks:

  • fill in randomly masked words from a sentence.
  • given two sentences, which sentence came first.
# This provides a function to convert row to input features and label, 
# this uses the classifier_data_lib which is a class defined in the tensorflow model garden we installed earlier
def create_feature(text, label, label_list=config['label_list'], max_seq_length=config['max_seq_length'], tokenizer=tokenizer):
    converts the datapoint into usable features for BERT using the classifier_data_lib

    text: Input text string
    label: label associated with the text
    label_list: (list) all possible labels
    max_seq_length: (int) maximum sequence length set for bert
    tokenizer: the tokenizer object instantiated by the files in model assets

    feature.input_ids: The token ids for the input text string
    feature.input_masks: The padding mask generated 
    feature.segment_ids: essentially here a vector of 0s since classification
    feature.label_id: the corresponding label id from lable_list [0, 1] here

    # since we only have 1 sentence for classification purpose, textr_b is None
    example = classifier_data_lib.InputExample(guid = None,
                                            text_a = text.numpy(), 
                                            text_b = None, 
                                            label = label.numpy())
    # since only 1 example, the index=0
    feature = classifier_data_lib.convert_single_example(0, example, label_list,
                                    max_seq_length, tokenizer)

    return (feature.input_ids, feature.input_mask, feature.segment_ids, feature.label_id)

You want to use Dataset.map to apply this function to each element of the dataset. Dataset.map runs in graph mode.

  • Graph tensors do not have a value.
  • In graph mode you can only use TensorFlow Ops and functions.

So you can’t .map this function directly: You need to wrap it in a tf.py_function. The tf.py_function will pass regular tensors (with a value and a .numpy() method to access it), to the wrapped python function.

Wrapping the Python Function into a TensorFlow op for Eager Execution

def create_feature_map(text, label):
    A tensorflow function wrapper to apply the transformation on the dataset.
    Text: the input text string.
    label: the classification ground truth label associated with the input string

    A tuple of a dictionary and a corresponding label_id with it. The dictionary 
    contains the input_word_ids, input_mask, input_type_ids  
    input_ids, input_mask, segment_ids, label_id = tf.py_function(create_feature, inp=[text, label], 
                                Tout=[tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.int32, tf.int32])
    max_seq_length = config['max_seq_length']

    # py_func doesn't set the shape of the returned tensors.

    x = {
        'input_word_ids': input_ids,
        'input_mask': input_mask,
        'input_type_ids': segment_ids
    return (x, label_id)

    # the final datapoint passed to the model is of the format a dictionary as x and labels.
    # the dictionary have keys that should obv match

Let the Data Flow: Creating the final input pipeline using tf.data

# Now we will simply apply the transformation to our train and test datasets
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
  # train
  train_data = (train_data.map(create_feature_map,

                          .batch(32, drop_remainder=True)

  # valid
  valid_data = (valid_data.map(create_feature_map, 
                          .batch(32, drop_remainder=True)

The resulting tf.data.Datasets return (features, labels) pairs, as expected by keras.Model.fit:

# train data spec, we can finally see the input datapoint is now converted to the BERT specific input tensor
({'input_word_ids': TensorSpec(shape=(32, 128), dtype=tf.int32, name=None),
  'input_mask': TensorSpec(shape=(32, 128), dtype=tf.int32, name=None),
  'input_type_ids': TensorSpec(shape=(32, 128), dtype=tf.int32, name=None)},
 TensorSpec(shape=(32,), dtype=tf.int32, name=None))
# valid data spec
({'input_word_ids': TensorSpec(shape=(32, 128), dtype=tf.int32, name=None),
  'input_mask': TensorSpec(shape=(32, 128), dtype=tf.int32, name=None),
  'input_type_ids': TensorSpec(shape=(32, 128), dtype=tf.int32, name=None)},
 TensorSpec(shape=(32,), dtype=tf.int32, name=None))

Lets Model Our Way to Glory!!!

Create The Model

There are two outputs from the BERT Layer:

  • A pooled_output of shape [batch_size, 768] with representations for the entire input sequences.
  • A sequence_output of shape [batch_size, max_seq_length, 768] with representations for each input token (in context).

For the classification task, we are only concerned with the pooled_output.

# Building the model, input ---> BERT Layer ---> Classification Head
def create_model():
    input_word_ids = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(config['max_seq_length'],), dtype=tf.int32,
    input_mask = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(config['max_seq_length'],), dtype=tf.int32,
    input_type_ids = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(config['max_seq_length'],), dtype=tf.int32,

    pooled_output, sequence_output = bert_layer([input_word_ids, input_mask, input_type_ids])
    # for classification we only care about the pooled-output
    # at this point we can play around with the classification head based on the downstream tasks and its complexity

    drop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(config['dropout'])(pooled_output)
    output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='output')(drop)

    # inputs coming from the function
    model = tf.keras.Model(
        'input_word_ids': input_word_ids,
        'input_mask': input_mask,
        'input_type_ids': input_type_ids}, 

    return model

Let Us Train!

# Calling the create model function to get the keras based functional model
model = create_model()
# using adam with a lr of 2*(10^-5), loss as binary cross entropy as only 2 classes and similarly binary accuracy
Model: "model"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_word_ids (InputLayer)     [(None, 128)]        0                                            
input_mask (InputLayer)         [(None, 128)]        0                                            
input_type_ids (InputLayer)     [(None, 128)]        0                                            
keras_layer (KerasLayer)        [(None, 768), (None, 109482241   input_word_ids[0][0]             
dropout (Dropout)               (None, 768)          0           keras_layer[0][0]                
output (Dense)                  (None, 1)            769         dropout[0][0]                    
Total params: 109,483,010
Trainable params: 109,483,009
Non-trainable params: 1

One drawback of the tf hub is that we import the entire module as a layer in keras as a result of which we dont see the parameters and layers in the model summary.

tf.keras.utils.plot_model(model=model, show_shapes=True, dpi=76, )


The official tfhub page states that “All parameters in the module are trainable, and fine-tuning all parameters is the recommended practice.” Therefore we will go ahead and train the entire model without freezing anything

W&B Experiment Tracking

In order to start the experiment tracking, we will be creating ‘runs’ on W&B,

wandb.init(): It initializes the run with basic project information parameters:

  • project: The project name, this will create a new project tab where all the experiments for this project will be tracked
  • config: A dictionary of all parameters and hyper-parameters we wish to track
  • group: optional, but would help us to group by different parameters later on
  • job_type: to describe the job type, it would help in grouping different experiments later. eg “train”, “evaluate” etc
# Update CONFIG dict with the name of the model.
config['model_name'] = 'BERT_EN_UNCASED'
print('Training configuration: ', config)

# Initialize W&B run
run = wandb.init(project='Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification', 
wandb: Currently logged in as: akshayuppal12 (use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin)

Training configuration:  {'label_list': [0, 1], 'max_seq_length': 128, 'train_batch_size': 32, 'learning_rate': 2e-05, 'epochs': 5, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'dropout': 0.5, 'train_samples': 130612, 'valid_samples': 11755, 'train_split': 0.1, 'valid_split': 0.01, 'model_name': 'BERT_EN_UNCASED'}

Tracking run with wandb version 0.10.33
Syncing run unique-pine-14 to Weights & Biases (Documentation).
Project page: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification
Run page: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification/runs/2niqnqcy
Run data is saved locally in /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_151759-2niqnqcy

In order to Log all the different metrics we will use a simple callback provided by W&B

WandCallback() : https://docs.wandb.ai/guides/integrations/keras

Yes, It is as simple as adding a callback :D

# Train model
# setting low epochs as It starts to overfit with this limited data, please feel free to change
epochs = config['epochs']
history = model.fit(train_data,
                    callbacks = [WandbCallback()])
Epoch 1/5
4081/4081 [==============================] - 2015s 490ms/step - loss: 0.1327 - binary_accuracy: 0.9501 - precision_at_recall: 0.6104 - precision: 0.6411 - recall: 0.4350 - val_loss: 0.0947 - val_binary_accuracy: 0.9611 - val_precision_at_recall: 0.7541 - val_precision: 0.7265 - val_recall: 0.5956
Epoch 2/5
4081/4081 [==============================] - 1998s 489ms/step - loss: 0.0816 - binary_accuracy: 0.9680 - precision_at_recall: 0.8358 - precision: 0.7635 - recall: 0.7102 - val_loss: 0.1048 - val_binary_accuracy: 0.9605 - val_precision_at_recall: 0.7525 - val_precision: 0.6871 - val_recall: 0.6644
Epoch 3/5
4081/4081 [==============================] - 1997s 489ms/step - loss: 0.0472 - binary_accuracy: 0.9826 - precision_at_recall: 0.9422 - precision: 0.8580 - recall: 0.8678 - val_loss: 0.1640 - val_binary_accuracy: 0.9578 - val_precision_at_recall: 0.7349 - val_precision: 0.7333 - val_recall: 0.4993
Epoch 4/5
4081/4081 [==============================] - 1997s 489ms/step - loss: 0.0256 - binary_accuracy: 0.9918 - precision_at_recall: 0.9819 - precision: 0.9305 - recall: 0.9407 - val_loss: 0.2049 - val_binary_accuracy: 0.9600 - val_precision_at_recall: 0.7480 - val_precision: 0.7227 - val_recall: 0.5736
Epoch 5/5
4081/4081 [==============================] - 1998s 489ms/step - loss: 0.0163 - binary_accuracy: 0.9945 - precision_at_recall: 0.9938 - precision: 0.9550 - recall: 0.9582 - val_loss: 0.1876 - val_binary_accuracy: 0.9561 - val_precision_at_recall: 0.7368 - val_precision: 0.6611 - val_recall: 0.5983

Waiting for W&B process to finish, PID 284
Program ended successfully.

VBox(children=(Label(value=' 0.00MB of 0.00MB uploaded (0.00MB deduped)\r'), FloatProgress(value=1.0, max=1.0)…

Find user logs for this run at: /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_151759-2niqnqcy/logs/debug.log

Find internal logs for this run at: /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_151759-2niqnqcy/logs/debug-internal.log

Synced 5 W&B file(s), 1 media file(s), 0 artifact file(s) and 1 other file(s)

Synced unique-pine-14: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification/runs/2niqnqcy

Lets Evaluate

Let us do an evaluation on the validation set and log the scores using weights and biases.

wandb.log(): Log a dict of scalars (metrics like accuracy and loss) and any other type of wandb object. Here we will pass the evaluation dictionary as it is and log it.

# Initialize a new run for the evaluation-job
run = wandb.init(project='Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification', 

# Model Evaluation on validation set
evaluation_results = model.evaluate(valid_data,return_dict=True)

# Log scores using wandb.log()

# Finish the run

Tracking run with wandb version 0.10.33
Syncing run pretty-cloud-15 to Weights & Biases (Documentation).
Project page: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification
Run page: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification/runs/jzwf9er0
Run data is saved locally in /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_180530-jzwf9er0

367/367 [==============================] - 59s 161ms/step - loss: 0.1876 - binary_accuracy: 0.9561 - precision_at_recall: 0.7368 - precision: 0.6611 - recall: 0.5983

Waiting for W&B process to finish, PID 6917
Program ended successfully.

VBox(children=(Label(value=' 0.00MB of 0.00MB uploaded (0.00MB deduped)\r'), FloatProgress(value=1.0, max=1.0)…

Find user logs for this run at: /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_180530-jzwf9er0/logs/debug.log

Find internal logs for this run at: /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_180530-jzwf9er0/logs/debug-internal.log

Run summary:

<table class="wandb">

loss0.1876 binary_accuracy0.95615 precision_at_recall0.73684 precision0.66109 recall0.59835 _runtime66 _timestamp1625076396 _step0


Run history:

<table class="wandb">

loss▁ binary_accuracy▁ precision_at_recall▁ precision▁ recall▁ _runtime▁ _timestamp▁ _step▁


Synced 5 W&B file(s), 0 media file(s), 0 artifact file(s) and 0 other file(s)

Synced pretty-cloud-15: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification/runs/jzwf9er0

Lets Look at some Graphs

These Graphs will mainly be useful when we are training for more epochs and more data. All these graphs are actually directly logged on the wandb dashboard created for this run. To still give out a method to generate graphs explicitly here is some very basic code.

def create_graphs(history):
    train_accuracy = history.history['binary_accuracy']
    val_accuracy = history.history['val_binary_accuracy'],
    train_losses = history.history['loss'],
    val_losses = history.history['val_loss']
    fig1 = plt.figure()
    plt.plot(train_accuracy, 'r', linewidth=3.0, marker='o')
    plt.plot(val_accuracy, 'b', linewidth=3.0, marker='o')
    plt.legend(['Training Accuracy', 'Validation Accuracy'], fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel('Epochs ', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('Accuracy Curves', fontsize=16)

    fig2 = plt.figure()
    plt.plot(train_losses, 'r', linewidth=3.0, marker='o')
    plt.plot(val_losses, 'b', linewidth=3.0, marker='o')
    plt.legend(['Training loss', 'Validation Loss'], fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel('Epochs ', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('Loss', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('Loss Curves', fontsize=16)

Since we just trained for a very limited data and less epochs these graphs generated here are not as represenetative, so leaving this here more interms of a place holder for the reader to experiment with.


Saving the models and model Versioning

W&B Artifacts

For saving the models and making it easier to track different experiments, I will be using wandb.artifacts. W&B Artifacts are a way to save your datasets and models.

Within a run, there are three steps for creating and saving a model Artifact.

  • Create an empty Artifact with wandb.Artifact().
  • Add your model file to the Artifact with wandb.add_file().
  • Call wandb.log_artifact() to save the Artifact
# Save model

# Initialize a new W&B run for saving the model, changing the job_type
run = wandb.init(project='Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification', 

# Save model as Model Artifact
artifact = wandb.Artifact(name=f"{config['model_name']}", type='model')

# Finish W&B run

Tracking run with wandb version 0.10.33
Syncing run lyric-sunset-16 to Weights & Biases (Documentation).
Project page: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification
Run page: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification/runs/1x751knh
Run data is saved locally in /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_180642-1x751knh

Waiting for W&B process to finish, PID 6996
Program ended successfully.

VBox(children=(Label(value=' 1253.61MB of 1253.61MB uploaded (0.00MB deduped)\r'), FloatProgress(value=1.0, ma…

Find user logs for this run at: /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_180642-1x751knh/logs/debug.log

Find internal logs for this run at: /kaggle/working/wandb/run-20210630_180642-1x751knh/logs/debug-internal.log

Synced 4 W&B file(s), 0 media file(s), 1 artifact file(s) and 0 other file(s)

Synced lyric-sunset-16: https://wandb.ai/akshayuppal12/Finetune-BERT-Text-Classification/runs/1x751knh

Artifact dashboard: Model versioning and more.

Quick Sneak Peek into the W&B Dashboard

Things to note:

  • Grouping of experiments and runs.
  • Visualizations of all training logs and metrics.
  • Visualizations for system metrics, could be useful when training on cloud instances or physical GPU machines
  • Hyperparmeter tracking in the tabular form.
  • Artifacts: Model versioning and storage.

Hopefully, this was useful for you, and by now, you have a small kickstart on training and utilizing BERT for a variety of downstream tasks like classification, Named Entity Recognition, Sentence filling, and many more.

You can check out and get the entire code as a notebook and run it on colab from this Github Repo.

If this was helpful, consider sharing it with more people so they can also learn about it.

Coming up Next:

  • BERT Annotated Paper
  • Write up on Transformers and its workings

For some annotated, reader-friendly research papers on advanced concepts and tutorials like these please visit https://au1206.github.io/.

If you made it this far, please consider leaving feedback so I can improve and also if you liked it consider upvoting.

(UPDATE): BERT Annotated Paper and Beyond…


Check out the Kaggle notebook here